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UMOV III, is the name of a specific project made in collaboration with a group of my student, while being the professor of the Movement Course for students of the third year of theatre at the Department of Theatre of Universidad de Chile, one of the most prestigious University’s of South America.


After three years in charge of this class we developed different works that included dance films, sight specific performance and live performance. In that context we where invited to present in a physical theatre festival with PROVOCATIONS and then invited by GAM, Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral for a creation residency in order to present GOPLE a sight specific performance to commemorate the 40 years of the coup d’état in chili. This work won an award by Watermil in New York  and was invited to a Creative Recidence in March 2016.


The pedagogic work was conceived my in two main axes: a strong movement technique and space research that integrates a vast panorama of composition elements that relays different arts representations to prepare an integral performer, a performing artist that is first of all a poet, is language is in the body.


Their for the trainement of the body of a performer is to be able to become a poetic instrument”. At the same time this physical work is going to challenge their physicality and open possibilities to engage their movement with three-dimensional space. This condition will assure to develop the ability of the performer to re act to every thing that happens on stage.


With in this frame work, the concept of le jeu[1] appears, meaning not only the fact of enjoying the action of performing in order to make it happen, but reveals a state of being, in which the performer is able to react to every thing that happens on stag, a relation between the body and the place in which it exists.


The performer is one element of stage and exits in relation to all the other elements: the space, other performers, objects, time, images, lights, sound, design. Every thing is in relation to every thing else. The aim of my pedagogic work is to give the tools to allow the concept of jeu to take place, where all this elements in dialogue play together. 



[1] French word play, but is use for expressing acting performance, in this sense the difference is that instead of representing by acting, le jeu contains the idea of re acting to every thing that happens in real time.





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